As the number of drivers on the road increases, the probability of being involved in an auto accident continues to increase. While some experienced drivers know what to do immediately after an accident, most drivers probably do not know the proper steps to take. First and foremost it is important to remain in the vehicle until the driver is certain that the area surrounding the collision is safe and secure. There is always the probability of more collisions, so exiting your vehicle prematurely can lead to injury. (Source 1)
After it is determined that the area surrounding the accident is safe, the driver should drive the vehicle to the side of the road and get out of traffic if possible. If the vehicle cannot be moved out of traffic, leave it where it is and call 911 to alert police of the accident. In nearly all states it is required by law to alert the police to an auto accident. Before beginning to take information, assist any injured people if possible. (Source 1 & Source 2)
Now that the accident has been reported to the police and injured persons have been tended to, it is time to take down the following information:
- Names, addresses and phone numbers of witnesses
- Date and time of the collision
- Location of the collision
- License plate numbers and vehicle descriptions of all vehicles involved in the accident
- Driver license number and state of issue of all motorists involved in the accident
- Insurance company names, agent names, policy numbers and policy expirations dates of other motorists
- Police officers names and bade numbers that responded to the accident
(Source 1 & Source 2)
The above information will be useful in case of a lawsuit brought against the driver or to defend the driver against a traffic citation. It is important to note that when police officers arrive on the scene, be courteous and helpful to them. (Source 1 & Source 2).
Finally, if emergency workers at the scene of the accident recommend that drivers go directly to the hospital, their advice should be followed. However, if drivers feel fine to drive after the accident, a checkup with a doctor should be schedule shortly after the accident to ensure that there are no problems. (Source 1 & Source 2).
With the increase in motor vehicle drivers and collisions taking place in the United States, it is important to stay aware of the steps to take immediately after an accident. By keeping a checklist in the car, a driver can quickly and easily remember what information to ask for and take down.
If you are involved in a traffic accident, receive any other traffic citation or need help with any other criminal defense matter contact the Bloomington, Illinois attorneys at the Finegan Law Firm.
Thanks for the reminder that documentation is a very important things to stay on top of in the event of a car collision. My friend is in need of traffic law attorney services soon because he recently got into an accident that involves another driver. It would be best to find a lawyer soon in order to know who really was at fault.